Bienvenidos a Supply Chain Unfiltered, donde Christine Barnhart, Directora de Industria y Ecosistema de Nulogy, ofrece una visión sincera de los retos a los que se enfrentan los profesionales de la cadena de suministro y trae a pensadores e innovadores para que compartan sus puntos de vista sobre las estrategias, tecnologías y esfuerzos de colaboración que dan forma al futuro de la cadena de suministro.
In this episode, host Christine Barnhart sits down with Bennett Bishop, Director Operations Finance at Ice Industries, to discuss how real-time production data collection helped Ice Industries obtain 100% inventory accuracy at a plant where they write off as such $60-$100K of inventory annually.
With the metal stamping industry evolving rapidly, Ice Industries is leveraging data-driven decisions to enhance quality and deliverability for customers.
En este episodio hablamos de:
• Future of Metal-Forming Supply Chains: Insights into where Ice Industries’ business is heading, key industry trends, and the company’s approach to staying ahead in a competitive and evolving market.
• Driving Agility & Efficiency: How smart factory solutions have enhanced Ice Industries’ ability to keep an accurate inventory for customer orders, proactively identify production issues, and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.
• Strategic Plans for 2025: Looking ahead to Ice Industries’ plans for 2025, key challenges they seek to address, and insights they intend to leverage from their partnership with Nulogy.
Tune in for an engaging conversation that sheds light on the power of strategic partnerships and digital innovation in shaping the future of smart factory solutions in the steel industry.
If you can’t make it LIVE, you can catch the replay here as well!
Bennett Bishop
Director Operations Finance | Ice Industries
Bennett Bishop is an experienced operations finance leader at Ice Industries, with a strong background in analytics, pricing strategy, and continuous improvement. Previously, he held roles at SpeedCast, managing global accounts and finance functions. His diverse expertise spans sales, operations, and sourcing, with a focus on driving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Christine Barnhart
Directora de Industria y Ecosistemas
Como Directora de Marketing e Industria de Nulogy, Christine aprovecha su liderazgo de pensamiento y experiencia en el dominio para desempeñar un papel fundamental en la forma en que Nulogy se dirige al mercado y ofrece valor al cliente. Bajo la dirección de Christine, Nulogy continúa dando forma y educando al mercado en torno al espacio emergente de la colaboración multiempresarial.