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Why Nulogy

See how Nulogy’s unique approach drives your competitive advantage.

Why Nulogy

Nulogy Unites Supply Chain Communities

At Nulogy, we know you have plenty of options when selecting supply chain technology platforms, including software provided by some of the largest and most powerful technology companies in the world. 

So why choose to work with Nulogy?

Providing Purpose-built Solutions for Over 20 Years

Our users are companies that have recognized that their “supply chain” isn’t really a chain – it’s an interconnected and interdependent network of companies with relationships that vary from week to week. A supplier this week may be a customer next week, and vice versa. Supply chain solutions that impose top-down hierarchies, or that assume a plan can be locked in and executed with little variation, do not work in this world.

Instead, modern companies need solutions that recognize the value creation that takes place outside of their own four walls, and that the value created by collaborating in this multi-enterprise, multi-echelon world far outweighs the limited value that used to be created inside their own enterprise. This is the world of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), and it’s where we’ve spent more than 20 years developing technology to meet specific needs.

When we’re going after a new customer or we’re growing a relationship with a current customer or partner, Nulogy allows us to deepen our relationship, making decisions together knowing we’re on the same page.
Adam Walker CEO, Summit Packaging Solutions

Solely Focused on the Upstream Supply Chain

Nulogy offers the ONLY multi-enterprise solution focused on the “upstream” portion of the supply chain. That is, rather than focusing on distributing and delivering products from the enterprise to the end consumers, our solutions are used by companies focused on improving their shop floor productivity and quality, on collaborating with an ecosystem or network of suppliers, contract manufacturers, contract packagers, and 3PLs – the companies that are creating the products that define a brand.

Nulogy has more than 20 years working in the highly specialized industries of contract packaging and contract manufacturing, giving us a unique perspective on how to fulfill what these companies need and how best to collaborate.

Gartner logo, blue, padded

Nulogy is named as the only notable vendor for contract packaging and manufacturing networks by Gartner.

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Helping You Unlock the Power of Connection

Our users gain significant advantages from being part of the “Nulogy network” – the collection of hundreds of consumer brand manufacturers, contract manufacturers, contract packagers, 3PLs, and more that are actively engaging with the Nulogy platform on a daily basis.

This intimate connectivity among disparate companies provides near real-time access to crucial data and reports across the multi-enterprise, and offers untold opportunities for collaboration with new partners, whether those partners are customers, suppliers, or something different.

And, thanks to what’s known as the “Network Effect” – an outgrowth of Metcalfe’s Law –  as more companies utilize Nulogy solutions and join the Nulogy network, the value of being part of that network grows for all participating companies.

Nulogy Supplier Collaboration Solution, dashboard, blurred
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